Home Events WADE ASIA

Started in 2016, WADE ASIA NATIONAL AWARDS is the largest award platform for Women in Architecture, Interior Design, Art, Construction and Engineering. WADE has been documenting the progression of women architects, interior designers, artists, and engineers for last 7 years.

Opening Address by Ar Shirish Beri | WADE ASIA 2023

WADE ASIA 2023 opening address led by Ar Shirish Beri, promoting sustainable design principles.

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Chitra Vishwanath Receives 2023 WADE Sustainability Champion of the Year Award

Chitra Vishwanath, the Principal and Managing Director of Biome Environment Solutions in Bengaluru, was awarded the WADE Sustainability Champion of the Year Award 2023 by Vertica Dvivedi, the Founder of WADE ASIA, in recognition of her pioneering work in sustainable design solutions.

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Sheila Sri Prakash Takes Home the Coveted WADE ASIA Lifetime Achievement Award 2023

Sheila Sri Prakash, a leading architect in India, received the WADE ASIA Lifetime Achievement Award. This is the highest WADE Award, given to a woman who has made significant contributions to architecture, design, art, and social services.

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Why has WADE ASIA shifted the dates to 22-23-24 September 2023?

WADE ASIA has become a national name among the mega architecture & interior design events of India.

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The Success of WADE however, has been largely influenced by men as well. Immense support and enthusiastic contributions from them has led to a huge difference. Their contributions bring about changes in the society, mindset and the lives of people around the world. WADE ASIA.

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WADE ASIA is the world’s first & largest collective platform for women in interior design, architecture, arts, construction, and engineering. It started with the mission to recognize and celebrate women-led development in architecture, art and design. An initiative started by the very dynamic..

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World Record was created on 12 October 2019 (8 to 9 AM) for the largest number of women (500+) participation to form letter W on NSIC ground, New Delhi. The initiative by WADE Foundation started the community of Women Water Warriors, an initiative of WADE ASIA.

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Save the Date | Bamboo Cultural Fest on Sept 19th, 2021 | World Bamboo Day | Media & Telecast Partner SURFACES REPORTER (SR)

Bamboo Society of India (BSI), Karnataka Chapter WC- Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering (WC-ADCE, BSI) and World Bamboo Organisation (WBO), on the occasion of World Bamboo Day, is holding Bamboo Cultural Fest. With SURFACES REPORTER (SR) as media and telecast partner, the theme for fest is

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Ar Vijaya Bhargava Shares The 8 Things That Aided Her To Tackle 2020 | Bangalore | Wade Asia Special | Women Architects

Who would’ve thought that the 2020 year would bring so many changes to our everyday lives!The year 2020 started off like any other year…

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From Chasing Paycheques to Paying Checks: The Journey of Shweta Balasubramoni’s Life | Hyderabad | Wade Asia Special | Women Architects

As far as she can recollect, Shweta Balasubramoni has always been fascinated with form, space and the innate ability of human beings to create beauty.

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The Journey from Chaos to Peace: How the Lockdown Taught This Woman to Survive! | Delhi | Wade Asia Special | Women Architects - Khushboo Madaan

Read the interesting journey of Khusboo Madaan from chaos to peace at SURFACES REPORTER (SR):

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Four R’s To Turn Hurdles Into Opportunities | Gurgaon | Wade Asia Special | Women Architects

Guneet Raj Singh, owner of a small firm tells us her mantra that helped her through the pandemic well. She states four R’s for survival- Revive, Reimagine, Reshape and Resilience.

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Megha Jalota: The Voice of Reason That Brought A Change | Noida | Wade Asia Special | Women Architects

SURFACES REPORTER (SR) brings here a story that is bound to change your mind for the best.

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How The Lockdown Motivated This Woman To Grow Her Business | Jaipur | Wade Asia Special | Women Architects - Aarushi Bafna

We all have our stories and the lockdown, and how it impacted our perception of life.

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This Woman Dared to Go on A Journey Towards A New Niche | Vadodara | Wade Asia Special | Women Architects

Stepping out of your comfort zone is not a cakewalk. It can sometimes be too troublesome. However, one who builds up the courage to take the adventurous ride of challenges and experiences always succeeds

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Meet Purnima Sharma: The Woman Who Found A New Relationship with Technology in The Lockdown | Chandigarh | Wade Asia Special | Women Architects

SURFACES REPORTER (SR) brings you the amazing story of Purnima Sharma who developed a new relationship with technology in Lockdown.

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Lessons Learnt, Memories Cherished, and Mindfulness: A Lockdown Story | Pune | Wade Asia Special | Women Architects

Meet Deepa Kothari, a well-established Pune-based architect shared with SURFACES REPORTER (SR) her story of overcoming depression amidst the personal and financial issues triggered with the lockdown.

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Persevering In A Pandemic: The Woman Who Achieved Success With Survival Instincts And Self Care |Bangalore | Wade Asia Special | Women Architects

Madhusmita Sahoo is a Project Management professional who has considerable experience in managing construction projects through all the phases of their life cycles, right from conception of an idea to the implementation of the final product.

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Roti and Makaan; How this woman turned it into her passion | Delhi | Wade Asia Special | Women Architects

City life and its vagaries are known to all. It is an apparent norm that moving to a big city is synonymous with having to leave one’s roots behind. “India lives in its villages” as they say, and she doesnt resonate with that in its entirety.

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This Woman Transformed the Future of a Village with the power of Education | Mumbai | Wade Asia Special | Women Architects

Education is a founding stone into the world of knowledge. Teachers hence have a high respect in our society. But is educating reaching all of our children?

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Stepping into The Spotlight: The Woman Who Dared to Face Her Fears | Delhi | Wade Asia Special | Women Architects

Being shy sometimes becomes the biggest blow that one could ever face in their lives. There are often so many things that remain unsaid and undone whereas there are also matters that remain unresolved.

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Sustainable Architecture and Designing- A Novel Approach All the Way To Success | Bengaluru| Wade Asia Special | Women Architects

SR and WADe Asia is presenting the encouraging narrative of Geetha VG, who poetically and practically promoted eco-smart and environmentally sustainable choices without giving up on quality:

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This Woman Proved How Staying Positive Through Difficult Times Makes You Shine | Mumbai | Wade Asia Special | Women Architects

We all have heard sayings about the power of positive thinking. While it is easier said than done, Jui Patil owner of JR architects explains to us how she kept going through this tough situation.

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Accepting the New Norm- The Success-Bound Journey of an Ambitious Mother | Gurgaon | Wade Asia Special | Women Architects

Motherhood can be a joyous occasion in a woman’s life. But it can be an overwhelming experience too. The founder of Design Foundation shares her journey of managing work,

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Shami Goregaoker Shares the Important Lessons Learnt From 2020 | Mumbai | Wade Asia Special | Women Architects

The year 2020 was something most people wouldnt like to have a cherished memory for obvious reasons, on the contrary, it also proved to be quite the eye-opener for many.

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How This Woman Managed to Grow Her New Venture in This Tough Pandemic Period | Chandigarh | Wade Asia Special | Women Architects

No doubt, the year 2020 was tough for each of us in different ways and will quite likely become a part of our long-term memory.

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The Way to Success: How A Women with Hope, Resilience, and Power Made It to the top | Mumbai | Wade Asia Special | Women Architects

SURFACES REPORTER (SR) here sharing the motivational tale of Anuprita Dixit, design director at IMK Architects, who says that year 2020 helped us grow way more than we possibly could have all through our lives.

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The Urban Future: The Inspiring Story of Leena Kumar | Bengaluru | Wade Asia Special | Women Architects

The pandemic has left national economics struggling, made citizens jobless and of course raised anxiety among ourselves. Believe it or not, the pandemic has altered the way of our work and living in some or other way

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Spaces to Breathe: Finding Success Through the Pandemic | Ahmedabad | Wade Asia Special | Women Architects

As the world stopped in its tracks at the beginning of 2020, lives changed. Forever. What started as a series of outbreaks in isolated corners of the world, turned into a global pandemic.

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Success & Survival: How A Women Dared To Grow In The Lockdown | Wade Asia Special | Women Architects

Instead of suffering from the creative block regularly, Vaibhavi Thakkar Desai, of TV’s Studio Design (Ahmedabad) and an assistant professor at GLS Institute of Design used this lockdown period to emulate the notions of re-inventing and re-imagining in her psyche.

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Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone: The Professor Who Forged Futures Through the Lockdown | Surat | Wade Asia Special | Women Architects

The year 2020 was totally a roller coaster ride- It was a ride that wasn’t quite enjoyable and left us craving and chasing the need for survival. But rising from it and making a change is what defines Bhavna Vikesh Vimawala. Read her interesting story here.

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The Green Heart: An Architect Who Dared To Care | Gurgaon | Wade Asia Special | Women Architects

Each one of us has the ability to steal the spotlight to lead by example and inspire others.In fact, one can learn from each story and implement those lessons in our daily life- that’s the beauty of motivation.

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