In the Studio with Nuance Studio | SURFACES REPORTER | Verticaa Dvivedi

Meet Ajaay Srinivaas, Founder of Nuance Studio in an interesting conversation with Verticaa Dvivedi at the Nuance Studio Gallery in Hyderabad.

Location: LDH Showroom, Hyderabad

About Nuance Studio:
Nuance Studio is at the forefront of architectural innovation in building materials, specializing in cutting-edge Litheoz concrete technology. With a commitment to pushing the boundaries of design, Nuance Studio consistently delivers exceptional solutions that redefine the modern landscape. The company endeavors to deliver the utmost level of quality and design by always being active in research and development in this classification of concrete. Equipped with a state-of-the-art production setup, Nuance Studio handles the production of all types of designs for spaces. Customized products like concrete wall panels, furniture (bar/kitchen countertops, tables, seaters, sinks, etc.) as well as standardized products such as Large format panels, Perspectiles (3d tiles), washbasins, etc. With the experience of transforming ordinary interiors into luxurious spaces, our bespoke designs and precise craftsmanship are all one needs to curate their bespoke homes.


Availability: Exclusive Retail Centre: Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Kochi, Delhi, Mumbai, Surat, Coimbatore, Bhubaneshwar and Singapore.

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