Surfaces Reporter receives a lot of requests for guest articles. Many are rejected for the promotional motive and nature of the content. We look for genuine content with authentic intent for adding value to our readers.
Currently, we are accepting articles on the following topics:
- Regional status of real estate projects in a city/ region of India.
- Tall Building projects in India and the impact of the pandemic.
- Just completed architecture and interior design projects which are not yet published anywhere are given a lot of preference.
- How are AR and VR helping in buying/ selling building materials?
- Innovation stories related to Architecture, Design, Building Materials
- Current news is accepted in the news section
If you have any other related interesting topics, feel free to share them with us at press@surfacesreporter.com
Kindly adhere to the following guidelines:
- Upto 500 words, upto 2 images accepted
- Content must be unique and not published, shared anywhere in print or electronic
- There should not be any plagiarism content
- Any numbers/ facts must be shared along with proper source
- Must be created/ written especially for Surfaces Reporter's audience
- Acceptance of the article is at the discretion of the editorial board
- Guest posts are accepted on the basis of the value they are adding to our readers
- Promotional articles are rejected
- A photo of the author and a profile of upto 40 words accepted (Photo not mandatory)
- SR Editorial has the right to modify/ change/ correct sentences/ titles if required in the selected article for the sake of readability, grammar, SEO, etc. Facts with sources will be kept as it is.
- Do not put any email id or website link in the article
- When we receive multiple articles on the same topic, the best are selected
- Usually, selected ones are either published immediately/ within 2 weeks. Some articles may get published within 45 days depending upon the nature of the content
- No follow-up communication entertained
- The opinion of the author is their own. Surfaces Reporter does not take responsibility for any content shared by the author though maximum precautions are put into the selection process.
- Some articles are even picked for the print edition of SR. No prior information is provided for selected articles.
- Your sharing of any article would mean acceptance of the guidelines
Submission Process:
For Guest Article, the subject should be:
Guest Article- <Author Name> <Topic>
For NEWS Article, the subject should be:
NEWS Article- <Topic>
Email the article to us at press@surfacesreporter.com with proper adherence to the above guidelines.