An alternative to conventional materials, Beerterial aims at showcasing the possibilities of developing everyday objects from beer production waste. Product designer Nisan Caglayan has focused his work on material experiments with spent grains in combination with natural binders with a view to possible applications in furniture and interiors. Brewing grains are produced during the beer brewing process. This waste product can either be recycled or biodegraded. This allows Beerterial to adapt the circular economy model.

According to Caglayan, various biomaterials are already replacing those made from fossil raw materials. They differ in their composition, are recycled or compostable and are also obtained from renewable raw materials. Caglayan’s work with beer production residues as unused raw material in the field of product design highlights the new biodegradable material that can be produced in combination with a natural binder.

The final result is that of a conceptual piece of furniture that encompasses an interplay of materials and a unique design language. The material can be further recycled or biodegraded at the end of its useful life.

Image credits: Green Product Award